Talking Matters Cancellation Policy

This cancellation policy explains how we manage the charging of cancellation fees for services booked with our professionals.

You can cancel a session due to illness or emergency by calling us on (08) 8255 7137 24 hours before the appointment without attracting a cancellation fee. If you cancel any later, you will be required to pay 100% of the session fee for the booked service. Messages left on voicemail or received by email will include a time stamp of your time of contact and will be actioned accordingly.

If you have an NDIA package, in your service agreement you can opt for the cancellation fees to be charged to your NDIA package (to package limits). Please note that NDIA require us (or your plan managers if appropriate) to report on all cancellation fees claimed from NDIS packages.

If you have had an extenuating circumstance and feel special consideration is required, please collect,
complete and return a request for review of cancellation form from reception. Your request will be reviewed
by the management team within 7 days of your request for review. Further information about our
extenuating circumstance consideration policy can be obtained by contacting our front office.

If a clinician has travelled to an appointment that is then not able to be provided the cancellation fee and
any relevant travel costs are not able to be waived.

Contacting us

If you have any questions or feedback about our cancellation policy, please contact the office